Mark Stock


KinoStill is a simple command-line Linux program for making a sequence of images from a single still image. It would most often be used to make a video of a still image, but with some movement to make it more visually interesting. A slow zoom can create tension or to imply introspection, and a slow pan and zoom can highlight an important part of the image and focus attention. As would be expected, the larger the input image is, the better the output will be. KinoStill takes a PNM image from the popular and useful Netpbm toolkit and writes a series of similar-depth PNM files.


The current version of KinoStill is 0.1. You can download it here: kinostill.c. It is written in ANSI C and only requires libpnm and the standard C libraries to compile. Just download the file and compile it with gcc -O2 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -o kinostill kinostill.c -lpnm. To get help, just run kinostill -help.


KinoStill supports the following features


This is a 300-frame movie of a still image named Red Streamlines, it was created by running kinostill -n 300 -z 1 0.6 -sc 0.5 -ec 0.4 0.54 < redstreamlines.ppm and then cat out_*.ppm | ppmtoy4m -S 420mpeg2 | mpeg2enc -f 8 -o redstreamlines.mpg redstreamlines.ppm (5.7 MB PPM) redstreamlines.mpg (6.4 MB MPEG-2)

Future plans

Future versions of KinoStill may address the following needs:

Please e-mail me if you'd like to see some particular feature in KinoStill, or if you use it to make something creative.

Other software

KinoStill isn't the only piece of free software that does this, but it is a small and general tool for incorporating still images into the Linux digital video process. Other similar or accompanying pieces of software are: