Tank T-shirt Order Page

This page can be used to order a Tank T-shirt

Tank T-shirts have been re-ordered, and are currently for sale!!!

Cost: $15 per shirt + $3 shipping and handling per 3 shirts. i.e. 3 shirts will cost 15*3 + 3 = $48.

Options: Shirts are available in 4 sizes: L (for small people), XL (for most people), and XXL (respectably large), and XXXL. Shirt material is 100% cotton, and none of that thin, cheap stuff, either. The image is a full-color transfer, and a rather durable one, at that.

XXL shirts are back! And I have some XXXL shirts, also.

Method: Pre-payment necessary, check or money order.
I have been doing business over the Internet that way for 3+ years, its simply the best way to sell inexpensive stuff. If you would like a list of references before sending your money, I would be happy to provide one. I am working on determining the best method for international orders, please do not hesitate to ask, though!

Order: To order a t-shirt, please e-mail me at mstock@umich.edu, and I will send you more complete instructions.

Thank you!

Check out the Ascott Home page. They're the dudes who made my t-shirts.

Mark Stock, Graduate Student, Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan