Mark Stock's Raytraced Animation Page

Mark Stock's Raytraced Animation Page

My Radiance raytraced movies, and others

Yeah, since then, I've added a few more years of programming experience and a few more codes to the library. Most of my animations are now in animated GIF format (sorry!), it seems to be the most portable animation format out there right now. I'll try mng soon. Also, I am doing most of the computational work either on my P3-500 Red Hat box or my brother's Athlon 900 running Debian.

Less new:
2000-02-23 I have begun to add new movies from my recent work with 3D vortex methods. These new movies will be in animated GIF format. It's not ideal, but it is very easy to produce.

Welcome to Mark Stock's animation page. The raytraced animations on this page are a product of over 4 years of interest in Radiance, the kindness of my fellow mazers, and an unloaded SPARC 20/HP715/AMD K5. All of the movies are in standard MPEG-1 video compression format (using the Berkeley Encoder), and should play normally on most machines.

Here are some of my other raytracing links:

Recent raytraced animations:

Though not raytraced at all, I realized I had no place to put this. This is an animation of 2-dimensional turbulence, created by a viscous vortex blob method. vorticity velocity turbulence is the title. 2.2 MB aGIF
I made this movie in October of '99, and forgot about it until now. I dumped the Java program in favor of a C program with volume substructuring to speed intersection testing. I can't give you much more info about it, though. 1.8 MB aGIF
Here is a simulation of a boiler- like chamber with three inlets and an open top. It was produced with an advanced 3-dimensional vortex method program.

300x300, 51 frames, 1378 KB aGIF, it took a day to compute and 2-3 hours to render

This is a much better bouncing balls movie, 256x256, 100 frames, 1000 balls trading potential energy for the kinetic kind. 247 KB MPEG, a few hours to render.
4000 particles in a tornado-like swirling pattern; one vertical vortex and a 12-part vortex ring induce the motion of the particles. Brought to you by Mayhem v.-1.

384x384, 282 frames, one ambient bounce, and four days in the making (go linux!), it's 1.85 MB, though.

250 particles in a tornado-like swirling pattern; an earlier version of the movie above.

256x256, 128 frames, no ambient bounces, 0.5 hours to compute and render on the same, 260 KB MPEG

Test of the 144 different building blocks available for my flowing grass animation. Using a program to compute the free motion of multiple 2D vortexes over time, snapshots of the velocity field will be taken. Those will be run through an adaptive grid routine, and the output used to create a radiance input file of instances of the 144 various building blocks. Cool, eh?

256x256, 144 frames, no ambient bounces, 5 hours on my AMD K5-100, large: 2 MB MPEG

Well, here's the animation mentioned above. I'm not too happy with it. I think I need to attack this problem a little smarter. 429 KB MPEG
First test of my MATLAB particles program. 24 particles, no rotations, 0.6 coefficient of restitution. Just a bunch of balls bouncing around in a box. 256x256, 200 frames, no ambient bounces, 30 minutes on Sun Ultra 1, 342 KB I think I may have negatived when I should have positived in there somewhere.
First movie from a new series featuring trees generated by lsys, a Lindemeyer system program, and dynamics provided by software written in MATLAB by myself and Markus Nee. Check out Dynamic Tree Project to find out more. 256x256, 36 frames, no ambient bounces, 30 minutes on HP C-100, 85 KB MPEG

Older raytraced animations

Main Raytracing page

Mark J. Stock, Graduate Student, Aerospace Engineering, The University of Michigan